New Release — GlowWorm 1.3!

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We’re excited to announce GlowWorm 1.3 — the “Take a Shortcut” release!

GlowWorm is now fully Shortcuts enabled! Once GlowWorm 1.3 is installed, you’ll see a new suite of GlowWorm actions in your Apple Shortcuts library. From a shortcut, you can activate a scene or control an individual light. Now you can make a ‘video call’ workflow that pauses your music, activates your ‘Professional’ GlowWorm scene and starts up Zoom.

GlowWorm actions in Shortcuts are fantastic for integrating physical control decks like the Loupedeck or a Stream Deck. Via Shortcuts, you can tie an action to a button and run that action in the background with quick tap. Now you can use GlowWorm to switch scenes on the fly in the middle of your live stream!

GlowWorm actions also let you get a list of your available scenes and lights for even more intricate Shortcuts. Turn on a random light instead of flipping a coin. Make a shortcut to cycle through all your scenes to see which one makes that new sweater really pop! We’re so excited to hear what wild things you come up with.

Enjoy and let us know what you think!

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